Tuesday, March 24, 2009

8 weak doors or one strong one?

lots of talk about sso and authN at TEC 2009. what fascinates me is how many people are espousing the merits of having completely different credentials for many systems. they all claim that the reason is security (at least all of them that i have heard). one of our senior products folks has an analogy they use that i like to discuss this. he will ask, if you were building a house would you want 8 weak doors or one strong one? and i think that really gets to the heart of the security issue.

but even if you grant that perhaps many credentials could potentially be stronger than one, the question becomes what is the trade off? basically, we’ve been working de facto under the multiple credential world for the whole open systems era and no one thinks we’re in a good security state. i would submit it’s because of all the other issues that come from many credentials like more to manage and burden on the users. so i’d ask if there is really a way to get rid of the burden on the users and maintenance issues? some say synchronize, but then you have one door again (or at least one key that works on all the doors). and now you have extra infrastructure on top of what you already have.

sso and AD briding has a role. so does sync. but whatever the stuff that powers this stuff, sso seems like it will always be the one strong door when it’s done right. what do you think?

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